What is Human Design?


Human Design is


Gives you a powerful view and understanding of your energy, and how you’re genetically dispositioned to show up in this life; based on the time and place in which you were born.

Known as ‘The Science of Differentiation’ and ‘The Science of Awakening’.

Human design is a synthesis of genetic information and ancient wisdoms including the I’Ching, Astrology, the Kabbalah, and the Chakra system. It is a gateway to self-knowledge that creates a pathway in understanding your specific:

  • Unique Gifts

  • Life Purpose(s)

  • Shadows (where we get stuck)

  • Our “Desk Work” (Core Stability 9-5)

  • Business Culture (How best you thrive in Business)

  • Relationship (Gift & Shadow)

  • Prosperity in Business

  • Prosperity in Relationships

  • Specific Manifestation Style

  • Environment (where & how you thrive)

  • Digestion/Diet (how you process food).

Among many other amazing characteristics, traits, and qualities that make up YOU!

You can Download Your Free Chart Here!

I highly recommend working with someone (whether that be me, or someone else), that can help you discern & navigate what all these shapes, numbers & lines mean for YOU!

Single Session



Four (4) Session HD Bundle
